Hedget to Get a Boost on PancakeSwap!

3 min readMay 20, 2021


CAKE holders, today we are thrilled to be able to offer you a new Syrup Pool from Hedget, a blockchain-based platform focusing on options trading

What is Boost?

Boost is basically an increase in farm multiplier over a set period of time, which is offered in exchange for additional tokens from the boosted project, which are then put into a new Syrup Pool!

So basically, HGET-BNB will go from a 0.1x multiple to a 0.5x multiple, which will last for 2 weeks and only cause temporary dilution among the other farms, and at the same time, there will be a new HGET Syrup Pool with $250K of tokens, to be earned by staking CAKE.

The Syrup Pool:

Stake CAKE tokens, to earn HGET tokens!

Total Tokens: 30,700 HGET

Distribution duration: 30 days

Start block: 7592800 (approx. 5am UTC on May 21st)

Finish block: 8456800 (approx. 5am UTC on June 20th)

Token rewards per block: 0.03553 HGET


In order to host the HGET Syrup Pool, we will increase the existing HGET-BNB farm to earn 0.5x CAKE rewards for 2 weeks, from 5am UTC on May 21st (Block 7592800) until 5am UTC on June 4th (Block 8456800), before reverting back to 0.1x CAKE rewards after that.

The Vote:

Usually, there would be a vote, but as you may have noticed, there are currently issues with the nodes we have been using to support voting. As such, we hope that you will trust us on this one, and rest assured we are working to get the new version of voting deployed ASAP.

What is Hedget?

The future economy will be built on cryptocurrencies, but they are very volatile and could be risky investments. Hedget introduces decentralized options — you pay the smallest possible premium to secure your positions against unexpected price movements.

Hedget is a decentralised protocol for options trading. By putting up collateral, users can

create and trade different option series on chain. Decentralised option products allow users

to hedge price fluctuation and also the risk in their collateralised lending positions.

Hedget believes that risk mitigating DeFi protocols like decentralised options are necessary building blocks as the decentralised finance sector grows and matures. Hedget Foundation issues HGET token as the native token on the platform for governance and other utility purposes.

To learn more about Hedget, the chefs advise you to visit their official communication channels:

Website: https://www.hedget.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Team_Hedget

Telegram (English): https://t.me/hedgetofficial

Medium: https://medium.com/hedget

How do you stake CAKE to earn HGET rewards?

If you own CAKE tokens, congratulations! You’re the master of your … pancakes.

Time to step up your taste buds by learning how to stake CAKE with Syrup Pool.

BEP20 HGET will also be circulating and transferable on BSC when we start the Syrup pool, so you will be able to harvest your HGET tokens and trade on PancakeSwap at any time!


The official HGET token contract address on Binance Smart Chain is:


Any other HGET token will be a scam and will result in a financial loss for users. Do not buy tokens from any other token address. Always verify the token address before purchasing tokens. If you receive airdrops from another address for HGET tokens, they will be rotten tokens (but not the cool kind!), and we advise you to ignore them.

Chef Hops 🐰

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