PancakeSwap Welcomes AdEx Network to Syrup Pool!
CAKE holders, today we are happy to be able to offer you a new Syrup Pool from AdEx Network, a display ad network for reduced ad fraud and increased user privacy.
The Syrup Pool:
Stake CAKE tokens to earn ADX tokens!
Total Tokens: 1,300,000 ADX
Distribution duration: 60 days
Start block: 8715300 (approx. 9am UTC on June 29th)
Finish block: 10443300 (approx. 9am UTC on August 28th)
Token rewards per block: 0.7523 ADX
Max Stake per wallet:
100 CAKE for the first 48 hours, then unlimited CAKE staking afterward.
To give as many CAKE holders the opportunity to Farm some juicy pool rewards at a high APY, we will have a 100 CAKE token cap staking limit per user for the first 48 hours.
The Farm:
In order to host the ADX Syrup Pool, we will need to provide an ADX-BUSD farm that will have 1x CAKE rewards for the first 48 hours and then 0.5x CAKE rewards after that.
The Vote:
Usually, there would be a vote, but as you may have noticed, there are currently issues with the nodes we have been using to support voting. As such, we hope that you will trust us on this one, and rest assured we are working to get the new version of voting deployed ASAP.
What is AdEx Network?
AdEx originated in 2017 as a decentralized ad exchange for digital advertising and subsequently evolved into a full protocol for decentralized digital advertising.
The AdEx protocol facilitates the trading of advertising space/time, as well as the subsequent verification and proof that it actually occurred. Essentially, it covers all interactions between publishers, advertisers, and end-users. The protocol combines traditional peer-to-peer technology, cryptography, and blockchain.
The company has its own fully functional Ethereum implementation of the protocol, the AdEx Platform: On it, advertisers and publishers can sign up for free and take advantage of a transparent, fraud-proof ad network.
In 2019, AdEx Network added a designated staking portal for anyone who wants to stake ADX tokens and earn generous rewards while supporting the AdEx ecosystem at the same time. This way, the company successfully bridged the ad tech industry and DeFi.
Recently, the ADX token branched out to different blockchains as well. It is now available not only on Ethereum but also on BSC and Polygon (formerly Matic).
To learn more about AdEx Network, the chefs advise you to visit their official communication channels:
How do you stake CAKE to earn ADX rewards?
If you own CAKE tokens, congratulations! You’re the master of your … pancakes.
Time to step up your taste buds by learning how to stake CAKE with Syrup Pool.
- Visit this webpage:
- Click “Approve CAKE” on the ADX Syrup Pool
- Click on the stake button.
- Confirm the transaction.
BEP20 ADX will also be circulating and transferable on BSC when we start the Syrup pool, so you will be able to harvest your ADX tokens and trade on PancakeSwap at any time!
The official ADX token contract address on Binance Smart Chain is:
Any other ADX token will be a scam and will result in a financial loss for users. Do not buy tokens from any other token address. Always verify the token address before purchasing tokens. If you receive airdrops from another address for ADX tokens, they will be rotten tokens (but not the cool kind!), and we advise you to ignore them.
Chef Hops 🐰
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