PancakeSwap Welcomes AllianceBlock to Syrup Pool! Stake CAKE, Earn bALBT!

4 min readJan 3, 2021


CAKE holders, today we are super happy to be able to offer you a new Syrup Pool from AllianceBlock, a decentralized, blockchain-agnostic layer 2 that bridges traditional and decentralized finance and automates the process of converting any digital or crypto asset into a bankable product!

The Syrup Pool:

Stake CAKE tokens, to earn bALBT tokens!

Total Tokens: 360,000 bALBT (currently worth over $100,000 USD)

Distribution duration: 30 days

Start block: 3689300 (4th Jan 4pm SGT)

Finish block:4553300 (3rd Feb 4pm SGT)

bALBT rewards per block: 0.4166 bALBT

The Farm:

In order to host the bALBT Syrup Pool, we will need to provide a bALBT-BNB farm that will have 2x CAKE rewards for the first 48 hours and then 1x CAKE rewards after that.


  • 94.5 reward power splitting 10 CAKE per block.
  • 28,800 blocks per day (@ 3 secs per block)
  • 0.1058201058 CAKE per block per 1 reward power
  • 3,047.619048 CAKE per day per 1 reward power ($1,980.952381@ 1 CAKE = $0.65)

2x CAKE rewards for the first 48 hours(presuming 94.5 total reward power): 6,095.2380956,816.568047 CAKE per day ($3,961.904762 @ 1 CAKE = $0.65)

1x CAKE rewards after the initial 48 hour period (presuming 93.5 total reward power): 3,080.213904 CAKE per day ($2,002.139037 @ 1 CAKE = $0.65)

The Vote:

As usual, it needs to be approved via a vote.


Why do we need a vote? Since it dilutes rewards, the chefs want BSC’s greatest community to make the decision themselves.

AllianceBlock and Binance Smart Chain partnership continues
AllianceBlock’s Liquidity Mining Program is the first officially endorsed and audited Liquidity Mining Program on Binance Smart Chain. Currently, the program supports PancakeSwap on Binance Smart Chain. The addition of the bALBT Syrup Pool with over $100,000 worth of liquidity reflects the next step of the rapidly growing AllianceBlock Liquidity Mining program and is the continuation of the joint effort between AllianceBlock and Binance Smart Chain.

In addition, AllianceBlock successfully launched its first pool on BSC via PancakeSwap. In less than 48 hours the total pooled bALBT are 3,052,305.89 bALBT and 1,083.4 ETH (Binance pegged ETH) which is a total of 1,819,726.00 USD (bALBT/ETH pool address:

About AllianceBlock

AllianceBlock is building the world’s first globally compliant decentralized capital market.

The AllianceBlock Protocol is a decentralized, blockchain-agnostic layer 2 that bridges traditional and decentralized finance and automates the process of converting any digital or crypto asset into a bankable product.

AllianceBlock aims to completely reinvent capital markets with a multi-layered blockchain agnostic protocol that simplifies the capital transfer process between regulated and opaque markets.

Compliant derivative products can quickly and easily be created out of almost any traditional asset, utility token, security token, cryptocurrency, synthetic, crypto portfolio, or DeFi solution.

Structured digital assets and crypto products, including Credit Linked Notes (CLNs), trackers / synthetics, derivatives, discretionary portfolios, static investments, and structured loans can now be created in a compliant manner.

All digital assets will be investable, bankable, fungible, and accessible to the entire regulated finance industry.

AllianceBlock’s ambition is to create the next generation of investment banking infrastructure.

To learn more about AllianceBlock, the chefs advise you to visit their official communication channels:


Telegram (English):


How do you stake CAKE to earn bALBT rewards?

If you own CAKE tokens, congratulations! You’re the master of your … pancakes.

Time to step up your taste buds by learning how to stake CAKE with Syrup Pool.

BEP20 bALBT will also be circulating and transferable on BSC when we start the Syrup pool, so you will be able to harvest your bALBT tokens and trade on PancakeSwap at any time!

How do you participate in the bALBT/BNB pool?

In order to get started, make sure you have BNB and bALBT on the Binance Smart Chain network. New to this? Read the previously released tutorial which shows how to setup MetaMask in order to work with Binance Smart Chain and how to bridge your ERC20 ALBT tokens to BEP20 bALBT tokens through BurgerSwap.

Alternatively, you can also swap your tokens to bALBT through PancakeSwap, make sure to use the correct bALBT contract address: 0x72faa679e1008ad8382959ff48e392042a8b06f7.


The official bALBT token contract address on Binance Smart Chain is:

Any other bALBT token will be a scam and will result in a financial loss for users. Do not buy tokens from any other token address. Always verify the token address before purchasing tokens. If you receive airdrops from another address for bALBT tokens, they will be rotten tokens (but not the cool kind!), and we advise you to ignore them.

Chef Hops 🐰


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